"Oh, Hudson!" -Blog

Greetings Downstate New York (or Upstate, depending on your perspective!)

Koehler & Kelly joined storyteller David Gonzalez for a repeat performance of his tribute to the history of the Hudson River, “Oh Hudson.” The setting, the spoken word, the music, the audience…

I am so nourished performing in a time when we are all feeling extra grateful for the opportunity to come together in person.


The Victorian parlor at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York

The Victorian parlor at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York

Daniel Kelly’s office for our afternoon rehearsal.

Daniel Kelly’s office for our afternoon rehearsal.

“Oh Hudson,” soundcheck with David Gonzalez,  fiddler Gretchen Koeher, and pianist Daniel Kelly.

“Oh Hudson,” soundcheck with David Gonzalez, fiddler Gretchen Koeher, and pianist Daniel Kelly.