Mohonk Mountain House -Blog

Hello from New Paltz, New York!

It was a delight to join Daniel’s long time musical partner David Gonzalez, for a reading of his dynamic poem Oh Hudson!* during Mohonk’s Hudson Valley Highlights weekend. The work is a celebration of spoken word, music and community that weaves together stories of the people, the history, the promise, and the beauty of the Hudson River region.

After a pandemic induced pause, we were grateful for Mohonk’s dedication to safety protocals and their strong support of the perfoming arts that gave us the opportunity to come together for a live audience. The happiness we felt creating music with old friends in the same room, as well as interacting with an audience in real time lifted everyone’s spirits. One listener shared that,

“after months of looking at screens and listening to radio, it was sheer pleasure to …watch you humans bring [Oh Hudson] to life. The poetry and music were beautiful and the wonder in the making even more so.”

May music continue to strengthen community and offer us comfort.

Be well, friends.


* Oh Hudson! was commissioned by the Hudson Quadricentennial Committtee of New York State to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s exploration of the river that now bears his name. For more info:

Poet David Gonzalez, pianist Daniel Kelly & violinist Gretchen Koehler perform Gonzalez’s “Oh Hudson” at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY.

Poet David Gonzalez, pianist Daniel Kelly & violinist Gretchen Koehler perform Gonzalez’s “Oh Hudson” at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY.

Spring at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY

Spring at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY